Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Common Question Categories
How can I get a copy of an accident report?
- The Records Department is open Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Report copies are $0.25/page. For more information, please contact the Records Department at (914) 962-4457 Extension 410. In addition, you may download accident reports by clicking here.
How can I apply for a job with the police department?
- The Westchester County Department of Human Resources is responsible for civil service administration for the the towns and villages in the County. Police Officer, dispatcher and office assistant positions are covered by the civil service process. Under New York State Civil Service Law, individuals seeking employment positions in the competitive class of civil service must compete in an examination process for selection by merit and fitness. For each examination, the Westchester County Department of Human Resources also publishes a detailed announcement specifying the minimum qualifications that need to be demonstrated in order to gain admission to the examination. Please read all materials carefully, as the application fee is non-refundable. The Westchester County Department of Human Resources administers the civil service examinations for Correction Officer, Police Officer, Police Officer (Spanish Speaking), and Firefighter. The eligible list resulting from the Police Officer and Firefighter eligible lists are used to fill vacancies in the Westchester County Department of Public Safety Services (Police Officer only), and the Police and Fire Departments of the Cities of Peekskill and Rye, and all the Towns and Villages within the County. The Cities of Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, White Plains and Yonkers have their own civil service agencies and administer examinations independent of Westchester County.
Does the Department provide fingerprinting services for civilians?
- Effective January 13, 2010 New York State has contracted with L-1 Identity solutions to provide authorized civilian fingerprinting. The Yorktown Police Department can no longer provide fingerprint services to the public. For more information call (877) 472-6915 or click here for the vendor website.
How can I get information on incidents?
- The department routinely distributes press releases to the media regarding major events and arrests. Additionally, the media is permitted to view the departments daily log (police blotter) to publish excerpts. Any specific questions regarding an incident should be directed to the Staff Division Commander/Public Information Officer by calling the Main Desk at (914) 962-4141.
Why doesn't the police department publish the names of people who are arrested in the Newsroom?
- The department no longer publishes the names of defendants who are arrested. We do this because many of these arrests are eventually sealed by the court system. The Yorktown Police Department must abide by the rules set forth in the New York State Criminal Procedure Law, which mandates that we must permanently remove any record of an arrest once it is sealed by the court. Since many of these cases are sealed months, and sometimes years after the initial arrest date, it becomes an arduous and time consuming effort to completely remove defendant names from our website and Facebook page.
- We do, however, release the name of every defendant that is arrested by the Yorktown Police Department (except Juveniles, when prohibited by law) to various media outlets throughout the Tri-State Area. The media does not have the same obligation to remove defendant names from its publications after a Seal Order is issued by the court system as the police department does.
Who decides which arrests are printed in the newspaper, shown on TV, etc.?
- As explained above, we release the name of every defendant that is arrested by the Yorktown Police Department. This release of information is done using a standard department form called a "Media Release." Once the Media Release is distributed to the various media outlets, it is solely up to the discretion of the media outlet to decide which arrests are reported. The Yorktown Police department does not influence the media's decision regarding which arrest(s) they publish.
What is the Town Noise Ordinance?
- "No person or persons shall cause, make, create or be the means of causing, making creating or allowing any unnecessary, unreasonable or excessive noise which does or may disturb the peace and quietude within the corporate limits of the Town of Yorktown between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., prevailing time." Click here for the related Town Code.
When is the operation construction/lawn equipment lawful?
- "Noise generated by construction equipment or lawn maintenance equipment, provided that such operation or use does not occur between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., prevailing time, from Sunday evenings, through and including Friday mornings; between 10:00 p.m. Friday evenings and 8:00 a.m. Saturday mornings, prevailing time; and between 10:00 p.m. Saturday evenings and 8:00 a.m. Sunday mornings, prevailing time." Click here for the related Town Code.
Is it unlawful to play excessively loud music during the day?
- Notwithstanding the prohibitions of § 216-2A, no person or persons shall cause, make, create, allow or be the means of causing, making, creating or allowing any unnecessary, unreasonable or excessive noise emanating from or amplified by any sound reproduction system or operating or playing radio, portable tape player, television, tape deck or similar device that reproduces or amplifies sound to an unnecessary, unreasonable or excessive extent or degree, at any hour of any day, prevailing time. Click here for the related Town Code.
Can I file a report by phone?
- No, all reports must be filed in-person. For Emergencies, dial 911. For non-emergencies, dial (914) 962-4141. A police officer can either be dispatched to your location (within the Town of Yorktown) or you can file a report by coming into police headquarters located here.
My power is out. How can I find out when it will come back on?
- Please use the links below to contact the appropriate electricity provider for your home or business and to view real time outage maps.
Electric/Gas Emergency
DIAL 911
DIAL 911
Electric/Gas Safety Tips
Stay Away From Downed Wires
- Stay at least 20 feet from a downed power line.
- If a downed wire comes in contact with your vehicle, stay inside and wait for help. If you must get out because of fire or other danger, jump clear of the vehicle to avoid any contact with the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Land with your feet together and hop with feet together or shuffle away; don’t run or stride.
During a Power Interruption
- Contact neighbors to see if their power is off. A loss of power may be the result of a blown fuse or a tripped circuit breaker.
- Don’t use a natural gas or propane range to heat your home.
- Never use outdoor grills or stoves inside.
- Keep refrigerators and freezers closed as much as possible. Most food will last 24 hours if you minimize the opening of refrigerator and freezer doors.
Safety After a Storm
- Stay out of flooded or damp basements or other areas if water is in contact with outlets, a furnace or any electrically operated appliance that is energized. The water or moisture may conduct electricity. Contact may cause serious or fatal injury.
- You may have tree debris in your yard following a storm. Wait until power line repairs are complete before you begin your storm cleanup.
- Turn on appliances and sensitive electronic equipment one at a time to avoid overloading circuits.
- Replenish emergency supplies used during the storm.
How can I find out about sex offenders in my area?
- Please see the Sex Offender Registry section of our website.
Where do I go to pay my parking ticket or traffic ticket?
- Parking tickets and traffic tickets can be paid in person at the Yorktown Justice Court (located next to the Police Department) at 3 Captain Kenneth Sgroi Plaza, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. The court phone number is (914) 962-6126. Payment of fines may also be made by mail.
When does it become illegal to park a vehicle on the street overnight?
- "No vehicle shall be parked, stored or left standing on any town street or highway at any time between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. during the period from the 20th of November to the 20th day of April in each year." Click here for the related Town Code.
Who do I contact regarding traffic violations (speeding, etc.) in my neighborhood?
- If you are experiencing an ongoing NON-EMERGENT problem dealing with traffic violations, you may contact the Main Desk at (914) 962-4141, e-mail P.O. Robert Rohr, the department's Traffic Safety Officer at [email protected], or use our contact form under the "CONTACT" tab. Learn more about the Traffic Safety Officer by visiting the Traffic Safety page.
Is it lawful to operate a motor driven vehicle (i.e. scooter, mini bike etc.) on a Town road or private property?
- "It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any unregistered motor-driven vehicle upon any public property or Town-owned land in the Town of Yorktown."
- "The operation of an unregistered motor-driven vehicle is prohibited upon private property unless the operator of said unregisteredmotor-driven vehicle has the written consent of the owner of said private property to operate said vehicle on said property on said operator's person." Click here for the related Town Code.
Does the Yorktown Police Department provide information on road conditions?
- The Department routinely advises local media of any road closures or traffic delays. Due to the volume of calls received, police officers and dispatchers are often unable to provide specific information to individual callers. Area residents are encouraged to follow us on FaceBook and subscribe to Nixle in order to receive up-to-date information.